Oil Diffuser Blend for Anxiety

Hey girl,

Anxiety is something that we all deal with. Statistics say that it’s found in every 1 in 13 persons. We either have anxiety ourselves or know someone that does. Today I’m sharing my favorite oil diffuser blend for anxiety relief.

You’ll need 2 drops of lavender, 4 drops of lime, 4 drops of cedarwood, and 6 drops of eucalyptus. I recommend dropping these in your diffuser before adding water! This will help the scent to be stronger and last longer while diffusing.

Benefits of the oils used for this blend:

Lavender is renowned for its calming and soothing fragrance. It adds a clean, fresh scent when being diffused!

Lime has a light and uplifting aromatic scent. It will help encourage feelings of positivity when being diffused.

Cedarwood helps create a calming and comforting atmosphere when being diffused.

Eucalyptus has a calming and invigorating scent when diffused. It can also help promote a stimulating and rejuvenating environment!

As you can see, combing these four oils create the perfect blend to diffuse when feelings anxious. You can also apply these topically by mixing in a roller topped off with V-6 oil. You can find these oils here but feel free to email me with any questions as well!


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