5 Books That Shaped My Life


Hey girl,

Today I’m sharing with you five books that have truly shaped my life! I hope that whichever appeals to you will also inspire you in a positive way! Feel free to message me with questions about any of these too! I’m going to be sharing a monthly book review on books I’ve read lately as well!

  1. Follow Me by David Platt

    You probably saw my blog post on how I met Jesus this week. In that post, I shared how this book affected me in that area of my life. It will open your eyes to see what following Jesus is all about. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much this book can wreck your life!

  2. Chase the Lion by Mark Batterson

    This book, y’all. I never knew how many dreams I had until I read this. This book had a serious impact on my business and how I stepped out in faith to follow the calling God had placed on my life. If you’re doubting those dreams… this book is for you!

  3. Lies Women Believe by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

    I was going through a time of feeling like I was just spread too thing when I read this. I felt like I didn’t have enough time in the day, my priorities were all screwed up, and I just felt like I was good enough for anyone. This book hold some tear stained pages from me and I treasure those highlighted passages dearly. Definitely a must read for any woman!

  4. Whisper by Mark Batterson

    Okay, yes, it’s another book from Mark Batterson but GIRL, he’s so good. This book is so clarifying on hearing whispers from the Lord. Is that truly God I’m hearing or is it my own thoughts? Could the Creator of the Universe really be speaking to me? All questions I had before reading this one! Let’s just say I hear Him a lot more now. Life changing!

  5. Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

    If you don’t have this on your coffee table you are missing out on some beautiful truths! I love having this on hand to pick up randomly throughout my day to remind myself of TRUTH when Satan is trying to speak LIES into my day. It’s so beautiful written and is written from the viewpoint of the Lord. This daily devotional comes in so many beautiful covers but I’ve linked my current favorite!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this short review of some wonderful books! It’s a joy for me to share these with you! If you purchase any of them, be sure to post a photo on Instagram stories and tag me - @bloomintobeautiful - and I’ll be sure to repost it!

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