Why I Practice Social Media Free Weekends

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Hey girl,

One of the most common questions I receive is why and how do you keep up social media free weekends? I’m laying it all out for your today!

I started practicing social media free weekends about six months ago. It’s very rare I will get on Instagram on the weekend unless I’m on a work trip or have content due with a brand. That being said, when I know there’s no reason for me to be on social media Friday evening through Sunday evening, I delete the app completely off of my phone. This ensures that I won’t open it up while I have spare time.

I have a few reasons I decided to make social media free weekends a part of my routine. One reason is that I absolutely love my job and social media plays a huge role in that. I found it difficult to truly unplug from work on the weekends without totally cutting it out. Another reason is I want to be present with my husband, family, and friends when I’m with them on the weekends and not be glued to a screen. It’s also so good for your mental health to shut off the social media for at least 24 hours a week. It allows you to focus on real life, your life, and not compare yourself to those online.

I’d love to hear if you try this out! If so, let me know how it goes for you! It has definitely been an amazing change for me and my family. I also actually read books now and get caught up on Netflix shows because I am human. Hah! Have a great day, babes!

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